AAB Failed to build


AAB Files is not working with capacitor apps

JSONDecodeError: Expecting ‘,’ delimiter: line 3 column 16 (char 41)


    "androidAlias": "texthere",
    "androidAliasPassword": "passhere",
    "androidKeystore": "keys/release.keystore",
    "androidKeystorePassword": "passhere",
    "platform": "android",
    "release": "release",
    "GooglePlayTrack": "internal",
    "serial": "serialhere",
    "androidPackageType": "bundle",
    "verbose": true

Please help

The error is this line in your package.json:

"version": ""0.1"",

You can see the quoting isn’t correct. If you fix this the problem should be resolved.

That works, thank you :pray: :pray: