Hi all,
I’m getting the above error for a build which has previously worked, and I’m looking for some help please!
The relevant log lines are:
2022-12-01 15:49:07,335 - Output:
2022-12-01 15:49:07,373 - Output: Running with compiled app
2022-12-01 15:49:07,373 - Badly formed capacitor.config.json
Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0)
2022-12-01 15:49:07,374 - Build failed 8427042f-d11d-4451-a766-ee03d4637df2
I’m using capacitor.config.ts in the root folder, so the only json versions are in .\android\app\src\main\assets\capacitor.config.json
This version worked previously:
"appId": "com.xxx.xxx",
"appName": "xxx",
"webDir": "dist",
"bundledWebRuntime": false,
"plugins": {
"CapacitorUpdater": {
"autoUpdate": true
"FirebaseAuthentication": {
"providers": [
This is the version that’s failing:
"appId": "com.xxx.xxx",
"appName": "xxx",
"webDir": "dist",
"bundledWebRuntime": false,
"plugins": {
"FirebaseAuthentication": {
"providers": [
Both files check out as valid on jsonlint.com
Any thoughts?