Build timeout issue

I am experiencing a build timeout issue while using VoltBuilder. The error message I received is:

“Job timed out. Please resubmit: if this persists, contact

I have tried resubmitting the build multiple times, but the issue persists.

We identified an issue with the Android build queue and resolved it soon after receiving this message. Please try again. Apologies for any inconvenience.

I have the same problem, but with iOS. It only occurs when I add the Firebase plugin cordova-plugin-firebasex. To make it work I had to downgrade the plugin to an old version.

Can you tell me what version you were trying to use?

version 18.0.5

We’re currently running a beta that should make this build quicker. If you can share you email address I can add you to the beta and you can use the “beta servers” checkbox on our upload page.