Hello everyone.
After debugging and checking with people that maintain the plugin cordova-sqlite-evcore-extbuild-free, we found that the errors returning from the Volt Builder like the one below, and it seems that Volt does not have a c++ compiler.
Is that the case in Volt, or you do have a c++ compiler in the build machine?
c:\vs2017\Common7\IDE\VC\VCTargets\Microsoft.CppBuild.targets(374,5): warning MSB8003: Could not find VCToolsInstallDir variable from the registry. TargetFrameworkVersion or PlatformToolset may be set to an invalid version number. [\plugins\cordova-sqlite-evcore-extbuild-free\src\windows\SQLite3-WinRT-sync\SQLite3\SQLite3.UWP.vcxproj]
TRACKER : error TRK0005: Failed to locate: “CL.exe”. The system cannot find the file specified. [\plugins\cordova-sqlite-evcore-extbuild-free\src\windows\SQLite3-WinRT-sync\SQLite3\SQLite3.UWP.vcxproj]