CocoaPods could not find compatible versions for pod

UserError: [!] CocoaPods could not find compatible versions for pod “CapawesomeCapacitorLiveUpdate”:
In Podfile:
CapawesomeCapacitorLiveUpdate (from ../../node_modules/@capawesome/capacitor-live-update)

I’ve tried setting

in config.xml but still getting the same.

Anyone got any ideas?

What version of iOS are you targeting? Generally we see this when that version is set too low.

I think I started at 12, but went up as high as 15 and tried changing the swift version to 5.1, Looking at the code in Capawesome live update, it should be fine above 14 and switch version 5.1

Can you share your build log?

2025-02-17 06:17:03,570 - Darwin Kernel Version 23.5.0: Wed May  1 20:09:52 PDT 2024; root:xnu-10063.121.3~5/RELEASE_X86_64
2025-02-17 06:17:03,593 - Output: ProductName:		macOS
ProductVersion:		14.5
BuildVersion:		23F79

2025-02-17 06:17:04,905 - app.framework: capacitor
2025-02-17 06:17:04,905 - Verbose logging is off. Change this in voltbuilder.json
2025-02-17 06:17:04,906 - VoltBuilder run started at 2025-02-17 06:17:04.906096
2025-02-17 06:17:04,906 - Plan: Pro - 52
2025-02-17 06:17:04,907 - Preflight Check
2025-02-17 06:17:04,907 - UUID: 0d29db5d-490d-4090-9b15-687ec241d831
2025-02-17 06:17:04,908 - TeamIdentifier: QSHT29675H
2025-02-17 06:17:04,908 - application-identifier:
2025-02-17 06:17:04,944 - Output: 
2025-02-17 06:17:04,969 - Output:     "/Users/vagrant/Library/Keychains/login.keychain-db"

2025-02-17 06:17:04,997 - Output: 
2025-02-17 06:17:04,998 - Unlocking keychain
2025-02-17 06:17:05,025 - Output: 
2025-02-17 06:17:05,054 - Output: 
2025-02-17 06:17:05,055 - Processing certificate
2025-02-17 06:17:05,178 - Output: 1 identity imported.

2025-02-17 06:17:05,216 - Output: keychain: "/Users/vagrant/Library/Keychains/voltbuilder.keychain-db"
version: 512
class: 0x00000010 
    0x00000000 <uint32>=0x00000010 
    0x00000001 <blob>=0x354643464344333200  "5FCFCD32\000"
    0x00000002 <blob>=<NULL>
    0x00000003 <uint32>=0x00000001 
    0x00000004 <uint32>=0x00000000 
    0x00000005 <uint32>=0x00000000 
    0x00000006 <blob>=0xDFC4E5CEE290C1A61EF9A3039AB99DFAFA1603D0 
    0x00000007 <blob>=<NULL>
    0x00000008 <blob>=0x7B38373139316361322D306663392D313164342D383439612D3030303530326235323132327D00  "{87191ca2-0fc9-11d4-849a-000502b52122}\000"
    0x00000009 <uint32>=0x0000002A  "\000\000\000*"
    0x0000000A <uint32>=0x00000800 
    0x0000000B <uint32>=0x00000800 
    0x0000000C <blob>=0x0000000000000000 
    0x0000000D <blob>=0x0000000000000000 
    0x0000000E <uint32>=0x00000001 
    0x0000000F <uint32>=0x00000001 
    0x00000010 <uint32>=0x00000001 
    0x00000011 <uint32>=0x00000000 
    0x00000012 <uint32>=0x00000001 
    0x00000013 <uint32>=0x00000001 
    0x00000014 <uint32>=0x00000001 
    0x00000015 <uint32>=0x00000001 
    0x00000016 <uint32>=0x00000001 
    0x00000017 <uint32>=0x00000001 
    0x00000018 <uint32>=0x00000001 
    0x00000019 <uint32>=0x00000001 
    0x0000001A <uint32>=0x00000001 

2025-02-17 06:19:14,659 - Output: npm warn deprecated inflight@1.0.6: This module is not supported, and leaks memory. Do not use it. Check out lru-cache if you want a good and tested way to coalesce async requests by a key value, which is much more comprehensive and powerful.
npm warn deprecated rimraf@3.0.2: Rimraf versions prior to v4 are no longer supported
npm warn deprecated glob@7.2.3: Glob versions prior to v9 are no longer supported
npm warn deprecated w3c-hr-time@1.0.2: Use your platform's native and performance.timeOrigin.
npm warn deprecated uuid@3.4.0: Please upgrade  to version 7 or higher.  Older versions may use Math.random() in certain circumstances, which is known to be problematic.  See for details.
npm warn deprecated ng-click-outside@9.0.1: ng-click-outside is no longer maintained. See
npm warn deprecated formidable@1.2.6: Please upgrade to latest, formidable@v2 or formidable@v3! Check these notes:
npm warn deprecated domexception@2.0.1: Use your platform's native DOMException instead
npm warn deprecated abab@2.0.6: Use your platform's native atob() and btoa() methods instead
npm warn deprecated critters@0.0.24: Ownership of Critters has moved to the Nuxt team, who will be maintaining the project going forward. If you'd like to keep using Critters, please switch to the actively-maintained fork at
npm warn deprecated superagent@4.1.0: Please upgrade to v9.0.0+ as we have fixed a public vulnerability with formidable dependency. Note that v9.0.0+ requires Node.js v14.18.0+. See for insight. This project is supported and maintained by the team at Forward Email @
npm warn deprecated ngx-slider-v2@17.0.0: This fork was merged into the main repo. Please use @angular-slider/ngx-slider
npm warn deprecated @asymmetrik/ngx-leaflet@18.0.1: Packaged moved to @bluehalo/ngx-leaflet for all future versions, including minor and patch releases.
npm warn deprecated ionic@5.4.16: The Ionic CLI now uses ✨ @ionic/cli ✨ for its package name! 👉

added 1616 packages, and audited 1618 packages in 2m

181 packages are looking for funding
  run `npm fund` for details

77 vulnerabilities (1 low, 66 moderate, 9 high, 1 critical)

To address issues that do not require attention, run:
  npm audit fix

To address all issues (including breaking changes), run:
  npm audit fix --force

Run `npm audit` for details.

2025-02-17 06:19:14,660 - Capacitor version used:
2025-02-17 06:19:16,100 - Output: 6.2.0

2025-02-17 06:19:35,838 - Output: 
> locksley@7.2.1 build
> ng build

❯ Building...
✔ Building...
Initial chunk files           | Names             |  Raw size
chunk-AFZPABU3.js             | -                 |   2.97 MB | 
chunk-RBXHDY6A.js             | -                 |   1.67 MB | 
styles.css                    | styles            | 942.72 kB | 
chunk-CNCGCIZ2.js             | -                 | 884.38 kB | 
chunk-L27AN6QQ.js             | -                 | 632.93 kB | 
chunk-DZHMKI6N.js             | -                 | 416.05 kB | 
main.js                       | main              | 327.31 kB | 
chunk-6P3WXOIU.js             | -                 | 299.01 kB | 
chunk-O2UT7LAL.js             | -                 | 128.38 kB | 
polyfills.js                  | polyfills         |  93.38 kB | 
chunk-W33ABRZD.js             | -                 |  75.84 kB | 
chunk-JHIQLUJY.js             | -                 |  63.02 kB | 
chunk-6WBP3YAO.js             | -                 |  34.68 kB | 
chunk-XOACZR6R.js             | -                 |  21.07 kB | 
chunk-5ZW7PEIU.js             | -                 |  10.47 kB | 
chunk-DTYI33I5.js             | -                 |   3.58 kB | 
chunk-UM7KXYL7.js             | -                 | 322 bytes | 

                              | Initial total     |   8.58 MB

Lazy chunk files              | Names             |  Raw size
apexcharts.common-IVRCMRHB.js | apexcharts-common | 839.34 kB | 
lxyutil.module-FWWVJGHK.js    | lxyutil-module    |  32.37 kB | 
chunk-UGEDJ6E7.js             | -                 |  31.48 kB | 
web-WG3M4Q6P.js               | web               |  11.32 kB | 
web-E3TYO5WI.js               | web               |   4.89 kB | 
web-C6TDQX57.js               | web               |   2.70 kB | 
account.module-YL72RU7F.js    | account-module    |   1.64 kB | 
web-B65P2MZ4.js               | web               |   1.29 kB | 
web-Y6NXUBRM.js               | web               | 983 bytes | 
web-PWUKFO3D.js               | web               | 887 bytes | 
web-XYGUWWXI.js               | web               | 425 bytes | 
lxy.module-WRUSWAGD.js        | lxy-module        | 423 bytes | 
lxymain.module-FMT2I4F2.js    | lxymain-module    | 405 bytes | 
auth.module-JFP3NPW4.js       | auth-module       | 336 bytes | 
index.esm-LC3PPFPI.js         | index-esm         | 107 bytes | 

Application bundle generation complete. [17.854 seconds]

Output location: /dist

2025-02-17 06:20:06,264 - Output: ✔ Copying web assets from browser to ios/App/App/public in 407.28ms
✔ Creating capacitor.config.json in ios/App/App in 3.21ms
[info] Found 1 Cordova plugin for ios:
✔ copy ios in 586.24ms
✔ Updating iOS plugins in 18.37ms
[info] Found 1 Cordova plugin for ios:
✖ Updating iOS native dependencies with pod install - failed!
✖ update ios - failed!
[error] Analyzing dependencies
        [!] CocoaPods could not find compatible versions for pod "CapawesomeCapacitorLiveUpdate":
        In Podfile:
        CapawesomeCapacitorLiveUpdate (from `../../node_modules/@capawesome/capacitor-live-update`)
        Specs satisfying the `CapawesomeCapacitorLiveUpdate (from `../../node_modules/@capawesome/capacitor-live-update`)` dependency were found, but they required a higher minimum deployment target.

2025-02-17 06:20:06,268 - [!] CocoaPods could not find compatible versions for pod "CapawesomeCapacitorLiveUpdate":
        In Podfile:
        CapawesomeCapacitorLiveUpdate (from `../../node_modules/@capawesome/capacitor-live-update`)
        Specs satisfying the `CapawesomeCapacitorLiveUpdate (from `../../node_modules/@capawesome/capacitor-live-update`)` dependency were found, but they required a higher minimum deployment target.

Check your log file for more information.
2025-02-17 06:20:06,268 - reset_keychain
2025-02-17 06:20:06,316 - Output: 
2025-02-17 06:20:06,317 - Build failed a37264c9-14a0-40de-9e12-82b62d16068a
2025-02-17 06:20:12,672 - Output: Package                              Current    Wanted   Latest  Location                                         Depended by
@angular-devkit/build-angular        18.2.12   18.2.14   19.1.7  node_modules/@angular-devkit/build-angular       a37264c9-14a0-40de-9e12-82b62d16068a
@angular/animations                  18.2.13   18.2.13   19.1.6  node_modules/@angular/animations                 a37264c9-14a0-40de-9e12-82b62d16068a
@angular/cdk                         18.2.14   18.2.14   19.1.4  node_modules/@angular/cdk                        a37264c9-14a0-40de-9e12-82b62d16068a
@angular/cli                         18.2.12   18.2.14   19.1.7  node_modules/@angular/cli                        a37264c9-14a0-40de-9e12-82b62d16068a
@angular/common                      18.2.13   18.2.13   19.1.6  node_modules/@angular/common                     a37264c9-14a0-40de-9e12-82b62d16068a
@angular/compiler                    18.2.13   18.2.13   19.1.6  node_modules/@angular/compiler                   a37264c9-14a0-40de-9e12-82b62d16068a
@angular/compiler-cli                18.2.13   18.2.13   19.1.6  node_modules/@angular/compiler-cli               a37264c9-14a0-40de-9e12-82b62d16068a
@angular/core                        18.2.13   18.2.13   19.1.6  node_modules/@angular/core                       a37264c9-14a0-40de-9e12-82b62d16068a
@angular/fire                         18.0.1    18.0.1   19.0.0  node_modules/@angular/fire                       a37264c9-14a0-40de-9e12-82b62d16068a
@angular/forms                       18.2.13   18.2.13   19.1.6  node_modules/@angular/forms                      a37264c9-14a0-40de-9e12-82b62d16068a
@angular/google-maps                 18.2.14   18.2.14   19.1.4  node_modules/@angular/google-maps                a37264c9-14a0-40de-9e12-82b62d16068a
@angular/language-service            18.2.13   18.2.13   19.1.6  node_modules/@angular/language-service           a37264c9-14a0-40de-9e12-82b62d16068a
@angular/localize                    18.2.13   18.2.13   19.1.6  node_modules/@angular/localize                   a37264c9-14a0-40de-9e12-82b62d16068a
@angular/platform-browser            18.2.13   18.2.13   19.1.6  node_modules/@angular/platform-browser           a37264c9-14a0-40de-9e12-82b62d16068a
@angular/platform-browser-dynamic    18.2.13   18.2.13   19.1.6  node_modules/@angular/platform-browser-dynamic   a37264c9-14a0-40de-9e12-82b62d16068a
@angular/router                      18.2.13   18.2.13   19.1.6  node_modules/@angular/router                     a37264c9-14a0-40de-9e12-82b62d16068a
@asymmetrik/ngx-leaflet               18.0.1    18.0.1   17.0.0  node_modules/@asymmetrik/ngx-leaflet             a37264c9-14a0-40de-9e12-82b62d16068a
@capacitor-community/in-app-review     6.0.0     6.0.0    7.0.0  node_modules/@capacitor-community/in-app-review  a37264c9-14a0-40de-9e12-82b62d16068a
@capacitor/android                     6.2.0     6.2.0    7.0.1  node_modules/@capacitor/android                  a37264c9-14a0-40de-9e12-82b62d16068a
@capacitor/app                         6.0.2     6.0.2    7.0.0  node_modules/@capacitor/app                      a37264c9-14a0-40de-9e12-82b62d16068a
@capacitor/cli                         6.2.0     6.2.0    7.0.1  node_modules/@capacitor/cli                      a37264c9-14a0-40de-9e12-82b62d16068a
@capacitor/core                        6.2.0     6.2.0    7.0.1  node_modules/@capacitor/core                     a37264c9-14a0-40de-9e12-82b62d16068a
@capacitor/device                      6.0.2     6.0.2    7.0.0  node_modules/@capacitor/device                   a37264c9-14a0-40de-9e12-82b62d16068a
@capacitor/haptics                     6.0.2     6.0.2    7.0.0  node_modules/@capacitor/haptics                  a37264c9-14a0-40de-9e12-82b62d16068a
@capacitor/ios                         6.2.0     6.2.0    7.0.1  node_modules/@capacitor/ios                      a37264c9-14a0-40de-9e12-82b62d16068a
@capacitor/keyboard                    6.0.3     6.0.3    7.0.0  node_modules/@capacitor/keyboard                 a37264c9-14a0-40de-9e12-82b62d16068a
@capacitor/share                       6.0.3     6.0.3    7.0.0  node_modules/@capacitor/share                    a37264c9-14a0-40de-9e12-82b62d16068a
@capacitor/status-bar                  6.0.2     6.0.2    7.0.0  node_modules/@capacitor/status-bar               a37264c9-14a0-40de-9e12-82b62d16068a
@capawesome/capacitor-app-update       6.1.0     6.1.0    7.0.1  node_modules/@capawesome/capacitor-app-update    a37264c9-14a0-40de-9e12-82b62d16068a
@capawesome/cli                        0.0.9     0.0.9    1.4.1  node_modules/@capawesome/cli                     a37264c9-14a0-40de-9e12-82b62d16068a
@ckeditor/ckeditor5-angular            7.0.1     7.0.1    9.1.0  node_modules/@ckeditor/ckeditor5-angular         a37264c9-14a0-40de-9e12-82b62d16068a
@ckeditor/ckeditor5-build-classic     41.4.2    41.4.2   44.2.0  node_modules/@ckeditor/ckeditor5-build-classic   a37264c9-14a0-40de-9e12-82b62d16068a
@meddv/ngx-pinch-zoom                 18.0.1    18.0.1   19.0.0  node_modules/@meddv/ngx-pinch-zoom               a37264c9-14a0-40de-9e12-82b62d16068a
@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap            17.0.1    17.0.1   18.0.0  node_modules/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap          a37264c9-14a0-40de-9e12-82b62d16068a
@ng-select/ng-select                  13.9.1    13.9.1   14.2.2  node_modules/@ng-select/ng-select                a37264c9-14a0-40de-9e12-82b62d16068a
@ngx-translate/core                   15.0.0    15.0.0   16.0.4  node_modules/@ngx-translate/core                 a37264c9-14a0-40de-9e12-82b62d16068a
@ngx-translate/http-loader             8.0.0     8.0.0   16.0.1  node_modules/@ngx-translate/http-loader          a37264c9-14a0-40de-9e12-82b62d16068a
@revenuecat/purchases-capacitor        8.0.0     8.0.0   10.0.2  node_modules/@revenuecat/purchases-capacitor     a37264c9-14a0-40de-9e12-82b62d16068a
@revenuecat/purchases-js               0.3.4     0.3.4   0.18.0  node_modules/@revenuecat/purchases-js            a37264c9-14a0-40de-9e12-82b62d16068a
@types/node                         20.17.16  20.17.19  22.13.4  node_modules/@types/node                         a37264c9-14a0-40de-9e12-82b62d16068a
@types/three                         0.166.0   0.166.0  0.173.0  node_modules/@types/three                        a37264c9-14a0-40de-9e12-82b62d16068a
apexcharts                            3.54.1    3.54.1    4.4.0  node_modules/apexcharts                          a37264c9-14a0-40de-9e12-82b62d16068a
date-fns                               3.6.0     3.6.0    4.1.0  node_modules/date-fns                            a37264c9-14a0-40de-9e12-82b62d16068a
firebase                             10.14.1   10.14.1   11.3.1  node_modules/firebase                            a37264c9-14a0-40de-9e12-82b62d16068a
ng-click-outside                       9.0.1     9.0.1    9.0.0  node_modules/ng-click-outside                    a37264c9-14a0-40de-9e12-82b62d16068a
ng2-charts                             6.0.1     6.0.1    8.0.0  node_modules/ng2-charts                          a37264c9-14a0-40de-9e12-82b62d16068a
ngx-color-picker                      16.0.0    16.0.0   17.0.0  node_modules/ngx-color-picker                    a37264c9-14a0-40de-9e12-82b62d16068a
ngx-cookie-service                    18.0.0    18.0.0   19.1.0  node_modules/ngx-cookie-service                  a37264c9-14a0-40de-9e12-82b62d16068a
ngx-drag-drop                         17.0.0    17.0.0   19.0.0  node_modules/ngx-drag-drop                       a37264c9-14a0-40de-9e12-82b62d16068a
ngx-dropzone-wrapper                  16.0.0    16.0.0   17.0.0  node_modules/ngx-dropzone-wrapper                a37264c9-14a0-40de-9e12-82b62d16068a
ngx-echarts                           18.0.0    18.0.0   19.0.0  node_modules/ngx-echarts                         a37264c9-14a0-40de-9e12-82b62d16068a
ngx-markdown                          18.1.0    18.1.0   19.1.0  node_modules/ngx-markdown                        a37264c9-14a0-40de-9e12-82b62d16068a
ngx-mask                              17.1.8    17.1.8   19.0.6  node_modules/ngx-mask                            a37264c9-14a0-40de-9e12-82b62d16068a
sweetalert2                         11.15.10   11.17.2  11.17.2  node_modules/sweetalert2                         a37264c9-14a0-40de-9e12-82b62d16068a
three                                0.165.0   0.165.0  0.173.0  node_modules/three                               a37264c9-14a0-40de-9e12-82b62d16068a
typescript                             5.4.5     5.4.5    5.7.3  node_modules/typescript                          a37264c9-14a0-40de-9e12-82b62d16068a
zone.js                              0.14.10   0.14.10   0.15.0  node_modules/zone.js                             a37264c9-14a0-40de-9e12-82b62d16068a

2025-02-17 06:20:12,678 - Uploading voltbuilder.log...

You’re correct that iOS 14 and Swift 5.1 should work. How are you changing your deployment target?

I was updating config.xml in the iOS/App folder

I’m a bit confused - is the a cordova app or a capacitor app?

It’s a Capacitor app, android version can build fine locally, so just seems to be this.

Could we take a look at your project? You can share it with

Sorry forgot to reply here, but sent this over yesterday.


Thanks for sending your project along. I don’t believe capacitor uses config.xml for anything. That is a cordova config file. I believe what you need to do is:

  1. Change the platform in ios/App/Podfile to 14.0: platform :ios, '14.0'
  2. Additionally, you will need to open your project in XCode and in the Build Settings tab for your Project and for each Target set the iOS Deployment Target to iOS 14.0 or higher.