CocoaPods is conflicting when installed cordova-plugin-consent and admob-plus-cordova together. Its seem like they are using different version of CocoaPods. I get this error, UserError: [!] CocoaPods could not find compatible versions for pod “GoogleUserMessagingPlatform”:
In snapshot (Podfile.lock):
GoogleUserMessagingPlatform (= 2.1.0, >= 1.1)
Can you guys fix this issue or the the creator of the plugin have to fix it?
Can you share the lines in your config.xml file that include these plugins?
its for ios, if i build with either plugin, it is fine. but when i build them together, it throw me the error
plugin name=“admob-plus-cordova” source=“npm”
plugin name=“cordova-plugin-consent” source=“npm”
Given that you’re not specifying a version, I suspect this is something you’ll need to contact the plugin author about (it’s the same for both). Have you checked for issues in the github repo?
I have tried all different versions from both plugin and still give me the same error. There are people experiencing the same issue cordova-plugin-consent GoogleUserMessagingPlatform conflict with other plugin · Issue #610 · admob-plus/admob-plus · GitHub , the author didnt reply, so i was hoping that you guys can fix it with your build.
The only way to fix this would be to fork the plugin or get the author to fix it. Someone appears to be doing that here: cordova-plugin-consent GoogleUserMessagingPlatform conflict with other plugin · Issue #610 · admob-plus/admob-plus · GitHub
This could be as simple as modifying the plugin.xml associated with cordova-plugin-consent to use GoogleUserMessagingPlatform 2.1.0 as opposed to 2.0.0.
If you’d like us to modify the plugin, reach out to We do offer extended support for enterprise customers.
I have fixed the issue. I rearranged my plugin build order. So i placed the, plugin name=“cordova-plugin-consent” source=“npm”, before ,plugin name=“admob-plus-cordova” source=“npm” , in the config.xml and there was no error.