Converting PhoneGap

I imported my phoneGap project but iam having the following error
Plan: Free

Builds restricted to Android Debug on Free Plan.

Preflight Check

config.xml file not found.

Build 6aafee96-02ab-4f3b-8fb7-5b44e88d18a5 failed

I am not getting the file structure right?

It sounds like your file structure isn’t right. Cordova has a standard structure which PhoneGap later adopted.

Check out the docs and let us know if you have questions!

Project Root
├-- config.xml
├-- certificates
│   ├-- android.keystore
│   ├-- development.mobileprovision
│   ├-- distribution.mobileprovision
│   ├-- ios_development.p12
│   └-- ios_distribution.p12
├-- merges (optional)
│   ├-- android
│   └-- ios
├-- resources (optional)
│   ├-- android
│   └-- ios
├-- voltbuilder.json
└-- www
    ├-- css
    ├-- images
    ├-- index.html
    └-- js