Cordova-background-geolocation plugin

Hello, I have uploaded a zip file trying to build an Android app, but it sent me this message : Plugin cordova-background-geolocation-lt is not known to VoltBuilde. I was using PhoneGap to build and got no problem with this plugin, do you know please how can I resolve this ?

We have a greenlist of about 1000 controls which we know are good. cordova-plugin-background-geolocation isn’t on that list, so it’s blocked.

It appears to be rarely used (about 100 downloads a week). It was last updated 5 years ago, which makes it very old.

You might see if there is a more up to date plugin that works for you. The author, ZenCity, even recommends using another plugin Cordova-Background-Geolocation - but that one is not currently listed in npmjs.

Let us know if you can find something more modern which will work for you.

Hello again, thank you for your reply. I checked to see if there were other plugins for this use but I couldn’t find a good one. And I realized that we have already paid for this plugin, so I want to know if there are possibilities to add this plugin to your green list, it will help me a lot, thank you.

Hello again, thank you for your reply. I checked to see if there were other plugins for this use but I couldn’t find a good one. And I realized that we have already paid for this plugin, so I want to know if there are possibilities to add this plugin to your green list, it will help me a lot, thank you.

How about this plugin? It seems to be maintained.

Let us know - we will add it to the green list.

Thank you. Please add it to the green list.

OK, you should be able to use it now.