Error on upload to ios

ServerError: App Store Connect validation failed
2024-01-16 06:45:32.423 INFO: ContentDelivery version 2.141.101 (141101).
2024-01-16 06:45:32.428 INFO: Show Progress: Contacting Apple Services…
2024-01-16 06:45:33.082 *** Error: Validation failed for ‘/Users/vagrant/voltbuilder/agent/upload/9fab0350-9525-461c-a2a2-66cac56c3ddd/’.
2024-01-16 06:45:33.083 *** Error: You do not have required contracts to perform an operation You do not have required contracts to perform an operation. (ID: 80bd1257-ebfd-494e-87d8-6c7a615cd29a) (403)
NSLocalizedDescription = “You do not have required contracts to perform an operation”;
NSLocalizedFailureReason = “You do not have required contracts to perform an operation. (ID: 80bd1257-ebfd-494e-87d8-6c7a615cd29a)”;
“original_server_error” = {
detail = “You do not have required contracts to perform an operation.”;
id = “80bd1257-ebfd-494e-87d8-6c7a615cd29a”;
status = 403;
title = “You do not have required contracts to perform an operation”;

This message is what it says.

Sign into your Apple Developer account and review your agreements. It’s usually that one has been updated and needs to be approved.