Error uploading to App Store: UserError: ERROR: Could not upload 1 file(s):

As of this a.m. I’m getting this error message every time I attempt to deploy to AppStoreConnect from NSB AppStudio:

UserError: ERROR: Could not upload 1 file(s):

The log doesn’t seem to give me which file is the issue:

Addendum: I’ve tested previous builds that have already successfully been uploaded to AppStore Connect and I’m getting the same error. Has something changed? Help! :slight_smile:

I’m looking at the log now…

I’ve managed to reproduce it. It has happened to one other user, just 24 hours ago.

The actual message in the log is “Upload is not in processing state, please try again.”, a message which is returned by Apple.

We are continuing to investigate.

Thanks George!

We’ve got a potential solution in place. If you could give it a try we’d appreciate it!

  1. Replace the itunesAccount key in voltbuilder.json with appStoreConnectAccount.
  2. Replace the itunesAppPassword key in voltbuilder.json with appStoreConnectAppPassword.
  3. The values can remain the same.

Please give this a try and let us know if the upload is successful.

I’m uploading directly from AppStudio… where do I find the voltbuilder.json file?

The settings are built into AppStudio directly. We’ll be putting out a new version with the fix tomorrow morning. I believe we’re communicating via our support email as well, and I’m happy to help you further there if needed.