ExoPlayer error in build

when we add ExoPlayer plugin to the config file build, it return a error,

Failed UserError: FAILURE: Build failed with an exception. * What went wrong: Execution failed for task ‘:app:compileDebugJavaWithJavac’. > Compilation failed; see the compiler error output for details. See log for full details.

we have tested with only Exoplayer plugin and the same error.

from the log file, the error begin here

Task :app:compileDebugJavaWithJavac FAILED
/my_smart_test/platforms/android/app/src/main/java/co/frontyard/cordova/plugin/exoplayer/LayoutProvider.java:49: error: cannot find symbol
public static SimpleExoPlayerView getExoPlayerView(Activity activity, Configuration config) {
symbol: class SimpleExoPlayerView
location: class LayoutProvider
/my_smart_test/platforms/android/app/src/main/java/co/frontyard/cordova/plugin/exoplayer/LayoutProvider.java:65: error: cannot find symbol
public static void setupController(SimpleExoPlayerView parentView, Activity activity, JSONObject controller) {

any fix for this?

This looks like a problem with the plugin. Check the GitHub repo issues for it and see if there are any similar reports - otherwise, you’ll need to ask the maintainer for help.

it compiling well with ionic, also it phonegab build before their close.

PhoneGap was already pretty out of date when they shut down.

How are you using Ionic? With Appflow?

i have found that the plugin is not compiling with cordova 10, is their any option to select cordova version on build ?

Yes. You can specify <engine in your config.xml:

However, your app may not be accepted in the Google Play Store.

what is the android version supported by volt?
android 7 is supported in the build?

Here’s what Cordova has to say about that.

when we select android 7, in the build it return a error saying that ANDROID_HOME path not set !!

any chance to have cordova-plugin-mkExoplayer added to plugin list. is a remplcement for exoplayer plugin .

We support cordova-android versions 9 and 10. That includes support for Android OS 5.1 to current.

Android APIs currently supported are 28, 29, and 30.

cordova-plugin-mkExoplayer isn’t currently listed in npm, which we require for plugins. If you ask the author to add it npm, we can approve it.

If you need to run an plugin that is not in npm, please contact us about getting an Enterprise Plan.