Facing error while generating build?

I am getting below error

UserError: FAILURE: Build completed with 2 failures.
Gradle error. See log for more information.

Generating Build for Android 12

You need to look at the log for more information. It’s probably something in this doc.

I see you made builds after this with other messages. Did you resolve this issue?

No the issue is not resolved yet. I am exausted of daily builds.

I have followed the Android 12 instructions provided.

I will be looking at your issue today.

Issue is partially resolved

<preference name="android-minSdkVersion"      value="22" />
    <preference name="android-targetSdkVersion" value="32" />

These need to set

But now facing another issue, app is working fine on other android versions except 12.

On Android 12 it is crashing immediately :slightly_frowning_face:
please guide if you can.


Most likely a plugin is causing the launch crash. Disabling them one by one is one method to find the offending plugin. The other is to use adb logcat.

Tip: if you try the disabling method, start with the non-core plugins.

You posted ahead of me - you had android-targetSdkVersion set to 30. Fixing that was the right thing to do.

Are there any error messages on the Remote Console?