Failed build - iOS - "In-App Purchase capability"

Trying to build iOS-debug build, I get this error:

“UserError: error: Provisioning profile “ios-dev-191201” doesn’t support the In-App Purchase capability. (in target ‘MYAPPNAME’ from project ‘MYAPPNAME’)”

(Note: this app doesn’t do in-app purchases, and it’s on purpose that the provisioning profile doesn’t support it.) Googling the error, I see a few fixes that involve xcode, but none that involve cordova/config.xml. Any ideas?

There’s almost certainly something in your project which is making Xcode think you’re requesting an In-App Purchase.

You might need to disable stuff in your config.xml until the message goes away to figure out what.

After some trial and error, I seem to only get this error when I include this plugin:
<plugin name="cordova-plugin-admob-free" version="0.27.0"/>

Is this expected? This builds/works OK on PhoneGap build. (using same “development” cert file(s).)

(hmm, I’m using “release”: “debug” in my voltbuilder.json. I’m assuming this just controls which set of p12/mobileprovision files to use? It seems to be using the correct ones anyway, given its name is in the error message…)

You can’t compare PhoneGap directly to VoltBuilder. VoltBuilder uses the latest Cordova and SDKs: PhoneGap is obsolete. Apple updates its policies and requirements on a regular basis.

Try adding the In App Purchase permission to your provisioning profile and see if it solves the problem!