Failed UserError: Error requesting access to upload a new release to the Google Play Store

Hi, really a great tool. Thanks for team volt.builder
I have a small error when releasing:

UserError: Error requesting access to upload a new release to the Google Play Store: <HttpError 404 when requesting returned “Package not found:”. Details: “Package not found:”>

in config.xml:

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>

<widget android-versionCode=“1” id=“”…

How do I identify in Google Play for business | Launch & monetize your apps | Google Play Console ?

You’ll need to work with Google’s docs for the answer to this one.

We have some notes to help here.

I found the cause

First, Have to manually upload the app in the console, then google play console creates the package name from the uploaded app.

I think you should add this to Upload to Google Play | VoltBuilder


We’ll add a note to the docs - but I have the feeling this is not yet the last word on this.

I have the same error.
How did you manaualy uploaded the app in the console. Where? Can I get the link?

  • Where did you builded before?
  • Where did you get “App bundles” which is mendatory?

Kind regards, Ivan L.

@ivanl hi,

  1. In console google play > Production > New release. You will see the app upload:
  2. Builded and get by App bundles by, you must REMOVE 2 line for disable auto upload playstore of volt builder and you can download release abb after build

“googlePlayKey”: “certificates/google.json”,
“googlePlayTrack”: “production”,238157

Thanks for that, I have created Bundle but now I have another issue.
I have now issue with bundle and the problem was solved over an year ago on this TOPIC .

I have no idea any more.

Kind regards, Ivan L.

So is your problem was solved by adding the new line to config?

<preference name="android-targetSdkVersion" value="30"/>

Yes my problem is solved with adding this line.

Thanks, Ivan L.

Hi people, I’m getting this same error: “UserError: Error requesting access to upload a new release to the Google Play Store: Package not found: *****”. It’s a first-time publication for this app, and I already removed “googlePlayTrack” from my voltbuilder.json to upload it manually, but it seems to keep trying to upload the bundle to the store automatically :sweat:

Do you have these lines in your voltbuilder.json? If so, get rid of them:

"googlePlayKey": "certificates/google.json",
"googlePlayTrack": "production",

Thank you very much!!! I’ve already removed “googlePlayTrack” as the documentation says, but if you don’t remove the “googlePlayKey” property, it won’t work properly. An update to those docs could save other developers a lot of time :wink:

Good suggestion - we’ll update the docs.

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If well I could accomplish the task of downloading an .aab file, when I tried to submit this to the Store I’m getting this error message totally new for me:
Original (in Spanish, sorry): “Has subido un APK o un Android App Bundle firmados con una clave que también se usa para firmar los archivos APK que se envían a los usuarios. Como te has registrado en la firma de aplicaciones de Play, deberías firmar el APK o el Android App Bundle con una clave nueva antes de subirlos.”
Translation: “You’ve uploaded an APK or Android App Bundle signed with a key that’s also used to sign APK files that are sent to users. Since you’ve signed up for Play app signing, you should sign the APK or Android App Bundle with a new key before uploading.”

You’ll need to work with Google’s doc and support for this one.

Are you able to upload manually?

Sorry if I wasn’t clear, I downloaded de .aab file from voltbuild, but when I try to upload it to the google playstore I’m getting this error:

This doesn’t seem to be a problem caused by VoltBuilder. You’ll need to work with Google’s doc and support for this one: we do not claim to be experts the Play store.

Of course, if there is a problem with VoltBuilder, we will fix it right away.