GDevelop cordova project to iOS doesn't work

These are the errors i see.

Looks like admob.rewardVideo is not defined.

Have a look at your code and the documentation for the plugin. I’ll bet there is a difference in how variables are named.

I checked and tried to change it. But i cant find a solution.

Now i have a build that builds perfectly without any errors, with the gdevelop-cordova-admob-plus. But i can´t open my game. When i open it, it quits immediately and dont see any of my game. How can i change this?

The config

Voltbuilder.json stays the same.

Log :

It looks like VoltBuilder itself is working fine - now you have to debug your app.

Have you looked in the repo for the plugin to see if it’s a known issue?

I can’t see that you are doing anything wrong, but we’re not expert on third party plugins. You might also ask the maintainer.

If I had to debug something like this, I’d start by removing stuff from the project until it started loading properly, to isolate what the problem is.