Google Play store shows warning API-Level 33 although targetSDK is 33

I am facing an issue with Google Play Console:
Google shows a warning that my app is not using Android 13 (API-Level 33) although I set the target SDK to 33 in the config file:
<preference name=“android-targetSdkVersion” value=“33” />
<preference name=“android-minSdkVersion” value=“28” />

I did not set the engine tag for android 12.0.0 like
<engine name=“android” spec=“12.0.0” />

Could this be the problem?

Thank you,

Hi all!, yes I have the same issue, with the same engine…

I have uploaded a new apk and I have the same warning

Yes, you do need to set the engine:

<engine name=“android” spec=“12.0.0” />

So I now changed the config and added the engine to my version 2.00.118:

<engine name=“android” spec=“12.0.0” />
<preference name=“android-minSdkVersion” value=“28” />
<preference name=“android-targetSdkVersion” value=“33” />

App also uploaded to Play Console and rolled out on all stages

Also all previous versions are now not active anymore:

But I still see the warning on Play Console:

Details for the App bundle 2.00.118:

=> can this take a while to get updated on Play Store?

The same thing has been happening to me, but when I’ve looked closely I realize that the warning is for a test version build and not the production version. In the same warning there is an option to see the affected packages, check if your case is the same.

@kendol may have the solution.

If not, what email address are you submitting under? I’d like to look up the log.

Just now checked play console again. Message now disappeared. Seems that Google needs some time to recheck and mark as resolved. I also got from Google now a message in my inbox. Thx

Is really 28 recommended (or required?) for android-minSdkVersion now? That seems very high.

I set 28 for my app but you can also set a lower number there as far as I know.

As far as I know it should affect what devices can install the application only, but otherwise not affect anything related to SDK used etc. A low value can lead to incompatibilities though, but I’ve tested on that level.

Adding android-compileSdkVersion might be redundant.

        <engine name="android" spec="12.0.0" />
        <preference name="android-minSdkVersion" value="22"/>
        <preference name="android-targetSdkVersion" value="33"/>
        <preference name="android-compileSdkVersion" value="33" />