How to install IPA debug builds on iOS device?

Hi all,

I have a debug IPA builded via VoltBuild and my Developer Profile
Build succeded but I’m unable to install it to my target iOS device.
Device UUID is listed in my Developer account and linked to Developer Profile.

iTunes removed the App section and I can’t install IPAs anymore by drag and drop.
So I’ve tried to scan the QRcode but i get the error:
“Unable to connect to”

As first sight seems this URL contains an invalid XML

(our app name contains ampersand and must be encoded as & in XML)

Can you please check?
There’s other ways to install IPA to iPhone? I don’t have a Mac.


Does it work if you remove the ampersand?

I use - never let me down.

The file is hosted on VoltBuild, I can’t edit it


Thanks @andy_peacock , it works!

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If you change the name so there is no ampersand, then submit it to VoltBuilder again, does it work?

If so, it will be an easy fix which we can make quickly.

@ghenne I’ll try on next build and I’ll let you know. Thanks.

@ghenne I confirm that VoltBuilder’s QRcode works removing ampersand from App name

Thanks for the confirmation. It’s an easy fix - we’re on it.

We’ve fixed the issue with the barcode not opening the app.

The problem was that the ampersand character (“&”) was not being encoded properly,. That is now fixed.

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