iOS release with lacking credentials

I had configured voltbuilder.json for iOS release, but had forgotten the account name for uploading to App Store Connect. VoltBuilder accepted this silently, despite it not being able to upload the IPA, so it took a while to understand what was wrong. I recommend an error message for this to avoid wasting time.


    "iosPackageType": "app-store",
    "appStoreConnectAppPassword": "blabla",

    "platform": "ios",
    "release": "release"

should of course have been:

    "iosPackageType": "app-store",
    "appStoreConnectAccount": "blabla",
    "appStoreConnectAppPassword": "blabla",

    "platform": "ios",
    "release": "release"

Good suggestion - we’ll take care of this. Thanks!