New feature: Certificate Wizard

We’re testing a new feature. VoltBuilder can now create your Android and iOS certificates.

For Android, this means you do not need to have the Java Tools installed, nor do you need to do anything from the command line.

For iOS, you don’t need a Mac anymore. You still need to sign onto your Apple account to get your actual certificate, but the Certificate Wizard takes care of the rest.

The Certificate Wizard also takes care of updating your voltbuilder.json file with your certificate information.

You can try it here:

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A few comments:

Country only supports two characters. Make it clear what that field should contain, or better, provide a selection list, entering the country code.

“androidKeystore” assumes where certificates are stored. It’s fair, but a warning might be applicable. I split up such files for Android and iOS for easier management.

“Generate Certificate Request” doesn’t seem to do anything (nothing’s downloaded).

Good comments - thank you! We’ll update the app.

How do you store yours?

The ios.csr file should be in your browser’s default download folder. If you right click on the file name at the bottom of Chrome, you can use Show in Finder to locate it. Let me know what you see!

Simply “certificates/android” and “certificates/ios”. This is of course also used in voltbuilder.json.

No file is downloaded when clicking “Generate…”, so really nothing happens. I’ll try again later.

Here’s what it should look like:

The dialog is not shown and there’s no file download.

Chrome. No JavaScript errors. I’m logged in.

Do you require all fields to be filled in?

I get this during page load, that usually shouldn’t be a problem:
DevTools failed to load SourceMap: Could not load content for HTTP error: status code 404, net::ERR_HTTP_RESPONSE_CODE_FAILURE
DevTools failed to load SourceMap: Could not load content for HTTP error: status code 404, net::ERR_HTTP_RESPONSE_CODE_FAILURE

The errors don’t matter - they can be ignored.

If fields are required, a message should show up.

From the Chrome 3 dot menu, you can view Downloads. Anything there?

Oh, one more thing: are you logged in when you try to do this?