Not able to build in VoltBuilder for Android 12

Hi i am seeing following issue when trying to build

UserError: FAILURE: Build failed with an exception. * What went wrong: Execution failed for task ‘:app:processReleaseMainManifest’. > Manifest merger failed with multiple errors, see logs See log for full details.

Config file

Error log

Please help

The first thing to do is make sure your plugins are up to date. (Android 12 will require updates to many plugins).

At the end of your log, there is a list of plugins which need updates:

Package                             Current  Wanted  Latest  Location                                         Depended by
cordova-plugin-geolocation            2.1.0   2.1.0   4.1.0  node_modules/cordova-plugin-geolocation          volt - 2022-08-13T171314.515
cordova-plugin-network-information    1.2.1   1.2.1   3.0.0  node_modules/cordova-plugin-network-information  volt - 2022-08-13T171314.515
cordova-plugin-x-socialsharing        5.4.0   5.4.0   6.0.3  node_modules/cordova-plugin-x-socialsharing      volt - 2022-08-13T171314.515
cordova.plugins.diagnostic            4.0.0   4.0.0   7.1.0  node_modules/cordova.plugins.diagnostic          volt - 2022-08-13T171314.515

See if that solves the problem.

This does not solve the problem
attaching you new config and new log file


project zip

This is not a VoltBuilder issue - one of the plugins you are using has not been updated for Android 12.

I suspect it is cordova-plugin-x-socialsharing. This plugin has not been updated for 2 years.

Others, who are not using VoltBuilder, are have problems with the plugin as well.
See this issue.

For anyone else facing issues like this, go to and look up your plugin. From there, link the plugin’s Github repo and look at the Issues tab. Check to see if anyone else is having trouble with Android 12.

Just help me in identifying error if possible

I disabled all plugins and tried still see this error

Failed UserError: FAILURE: Build failed with an exception. * Where: Script ‘/agent/upload/eb82138e-b948-4413-9f8a-c43e3c02667c/volt - 2022-08-13T171314.515/platforms/android/CordovaLib/cordova.gradle’ line: 75 * What went wrong: A problem occurred evaluating script. > No usable Android build tools found. Highest 32.x installed version is 30.0.3; Recommended version is 32.0.0.

Did you build with the “Build for Android 12” checkbox set?

There is more information here.

If this is in reference to the iOS build being stuck, it was an iOS build and had nothing to do with Android 12. I do not have an Engine set. My upload page does not have an Android 12 checkbox.

@kalam 's issue is completely unrelated to the iOS issue you had. He’s working with the beta of a new Android release.

yes i checked that checkbox
We have followed the guideline suggested.

Have you read the config ? or error log?

Please help client is very high on us due to delay.

Your jobs seem to be going to the regular queue, not the beta queue.

Could you refresh your Upload screen and log out and back in?

Then submit your job again with the Android 12 checkbox selected. We’ll watch the logs here.