Plugin request (ubt-cordova-keychain)

Could you please add support for plugin ubt-cordova-keychain

Thank you in advance!

The plugin was last updated 4 years ago. It’s been downloaded just 6 times in the past week - are you sure this is the best one for what you need?

I’m aware but it’s an old application which I need to get working and release some minor updates to. Unfortunately it uses a lot of outdated solutions and I’d prefer to not have to refactor most of them if possible. Cordova itself is pretty old tech.

In your list of approved plugins there also seems to be some other plugins that have similarly low usage, such as cordova-keychain-aes which has had only 3 downloads during the last week (and was last updated 3 years ago) and cordova-plugin-fdkeychain, which has only 4 weekly downloads.

If you have any good more actively used alternatives, to suggest for using the keychain on iOS, I’m very open to looking into those.

At least cordova-plugin-keychain-touch-id seems like it’s used a bit more, but going by a quick look, I’m not completely sure if it’s fit for my use case.

Thanks. We’re reviewing it now.

ubt-cordova-keychain has been added.

Thank you so much!