Plugin to be approved (cordova-plugin-navigationbar)

Hi, the plugin cordova-plugin-navigationbar-color is not working properly since Android SDK v30

More specifically, the preference NavigationBarLight has no effect anymore, see issue: Not working with SDK > 30 · Issue #22 · fagundes/cordova-plugin-navigationbar · GitHub

There is a fix, but unfortunately it remains a pull request for over 3 years now.
There is a fork on Github which contains the fix but it is not available on npmjs:

Could the above forked plugin be approved please?

Plugins on npm are now pre-approved, so this plugin just needs to be published to npm. We have a guide and links to more details here: Plugin Checklist | VoltBuilder

If you’re finding this to be a confusing process, please reach out to - we are happy to publish plugins for a nominal one time fee.

Okay I just published the forked repo with the fix on npm:

Can you approve it?

All npm plugins are now pre-approved.