Provisioning profile is not an iOS App Development profile

Try building iOS - it works in PGB - doubled checked

Provisioning profile is not an iOS App Development profile.
You can fix this by referencing the correct mobileprovision file in voltbuilder.json

Build ID: f0b94eee-0078-4807-916f-bf0682e709a7

You’re probably using a different profile in PhoneGap than VoltBuilder. The safest thing to do is get a fresh mobileprovision file from Apple.

Looking at your project, it seems your mobile provision file is named tv2b_adhoc.mobileprovision. That suggests it’s an ad-hoc provision file, not a development profile.

Tried just now building for PGB and VoltBuilder for publishing and for debug, and all work fine.

Hi Admin -
MY mistake - I had put my certificates in development instead of distrubution -
BUT now I get a completely different error:

FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: ‘’

Build ID: 3ca68a91-9e17-4884-ad31-aedf1161ec23

The problem is in your voltbuilder.json file. You’re building for debug/development, but you don’t specify a development .p12 file.

    "androidAlias": "",
    "androidAliasPassword": "",
    "androidDname": "",
    "androidKeystore": "",
    "androidKeystorePassword": "",
    "iosDevP12": "",
    "iosDevP12Password": "",
    "iosDevelopment": "",
    "iosDistP12": "certificates/TV2B Adhoc.p12",
    "iosDistP12Password": "Pauk7952",
    "iosDistribution": "certificates/tv2b_adhoc.mobileprovision",
    "iosPackageType": "ad-hoc",
    "platform": "ios",
    "release": "debug",
    "serial": "xxx-xxx-xxx"

Not sure I follow - My p12 is an Distribution Certificate
and mobileprovision made Distribution - ad-hoc

They work fine in PGB ?

If you look at the release property in voltbuilder.json, it is set to debug. Try changing that to release.

SOLVED -Thanks working :slight_smile:

Your issue is caused by an incorrect provisioning profile. In your voltbuilder.json file, ensure that you are referencing a valid iOS App Development provisioning profile. Check your Apple Developer account under Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles to confirm that the profile is correctly set up for development. If you are building for distribution, use an App Store or Ad Hoc provisioning profile instead. Also, verify that the .mobileprovision file matches the correct bundle identifier and team ID. If the issue continues, regenerate the provisioning profile and update it in your VoltBuilder project.