Push notifications: @capacitor-firebase/messaging firebase - Issues with iOS app

Please could I ask for some help with this plugin with iOS:

@capacitor-firebase/messaging firebase

Android is working fine and as expected, however I’m struggling with iOS.

If I install the plugin, upload the bundle to Voltbuilder and then install the App, on opening, it crashes.
If I simply remove plugin (npm uninstall …) The app works (obviously without push notifications)

Any thoughts why the app might crash? I can’t see anything in the build log that indicates an issue, but I may have missed something.

I’ve been following this guide:

Which leads to another question, possibly related:

There’s a section where the guide mentions using Xcode to enable Push message etc when you copy the GoogleService-Info.plist file to app folder /ios/App/App/

Can Voltbuilder do this process or is Xcode the only way?
(I’m using Windows and dont have Xcode)

The guide also suggested I copied the “initialization code” into AppDelegate.swift
Is this actually required with Voltbuilder ? (See guide for code)

Any hints or advice would would be gratefully received.
Thank you, regards

I think the first step is to identify the crash. You should be able to get debug logs from the device if it’s a true crash, or use remote debugging if it’s a capacitor issue. You may need to use Xcode to get the crash logs: Acquiring crash reports and diagnostic logs | Apple Developer Documentation

Thanks for replying.
Unfortunately I don’t have a Mac, so Xcode isn’t available to me.
Is this possible without, or would you simply advise getting a Mac?
i’ve built apps (phonegap days) without one and using push notifications, but in the long run is it worth getting a Mac?

So unfortunately this is a the state of things - you need a Mac to access those logs. Generally however if things are crashing prior to the app starting, it’s a problem with the plugin and you may want to reach out to the plugin developer. If they are unresponsive we can also take a look.