Remove full network access permission

My app does not need access to the internet.

but somehow when i publish it, it says in the permissions “full network access”

How do i remove that permission?

This is for Android, right?

What plugins are you using?

yes Android only.

<plugin name="cordova-plugin-x-socialsharing-android12" />

in my html i have a normal a href to twitter ← not sure if that matters

That plugin will certainly require access to the network.

Thank you. I will remove it and see.

I removed the plugin:

<plugin name="cordova-plugin-x-socialsharing-android12" />

but still on google play under permissions it says:
“full network access”

I want the app to have no permissions. Maybe something in the config file must change?

I have in my config.xml:

<preference name ="permissions" value = "none" />
<preference name ="AndroidXEnabled" value = "true" />

<access origin="*">
<allow-navigation hrefs="*">
<allow-intent hrefs="http://*/*">
<allow-intent hrefs="https://*/*">

I am stumped. Not sure why it still requires “full network access”