Splash Screen not showing for android app

Android 13 could be a different matter than the original question.

Right now, Cordova does not officially support Android 13. The new OS release requires Android API 33. Cordova only goes to API 32.

Do you have an Android 12 device to try? That would help determine whether the issue is caused by Android 13 or a problem with your app.

If I switch back to sending the icons and splash screen manually (donā€™t let Voltbuilder do it), then it works correctly and the splash screen is shown even on Android 13.

Thatā€™s good news.

If you donā€™t have an Android 12 device, could you send me your app? Iā€™ll try it here so we know if they changed something in Android 13.

I just tried it on an Android 12 device. It only shows a blank white screen for the splash screen.

OK, that means you probably have a problem with the image youā€™re using.

Check through the Android 12 docs on Splashscreens and make sure everything set up correctly. There are a couple of links with more info on that page.