Splashscreen shows default cordova image on Android

Hi, on my .apk splashscreen shows default cordova image on Android but it shows it correctly on IOS. Is it possible to know wich file ou declaration is missing?
Thank you,

Start by having a look at this document:

Generating Icons and Splash Screens

Google made some changes for Android 12, which is the likely reason for this happening.

Hi, now it is showing splashscreen but it is cutting the beginning and the ending.
I have try many resources.json configuration. Any idea?

Preformatted text

With Android 12, Google changed how splash screens work. Here’s what they say:

Splashscreen does appear on my Android 13 device. It is cropped, as mentioned above.

With Android Studio I would use a similar icon. It is not cropped because I could set
Asset Studio
Configure Image Asset
Trim to
If Trim is set to no, then the icon appears cropped like the icon with AppStudio.
Could we do the trim with AppStudio as well?

VoltBuilder uses a utility called cordova-res when generating splash screens. Here are the docs for it:

% cordova-res -h

Usage: cordova-res [ios|android|windows] [options]

Generate Cordova resources for native platforms.

This tool writes to 'config.xml' to register resources with Cordova. Valid
platform definitions are required. See the Cordova docs[1] for more

By default, this tool will look for 'icon.(png|jpg)' and 'splash.(png|jpg)'
files inside 'resources/'. If an 'icon-foreground.(png|jpg)' file is found
inside 'resources/android/', Adaptive Icons will be generated for Android.

To generate platform-specific icons and splash screens, place source images
in the platform's directory, e.g. 'resources/ios/icon.png'.

The resources directory is configurable with the '--resources' option. For
example, to use 'res/' for the resources directory, specify '--resources res'.

For Android Adaptive Icons, the foreground must be an image, but the
background may be an image or a color. To use an image, place an
'icon-background.(png|jpg)' file in 'resources/android/'. To use a color,
specify a hex color, e.g. '--icon-background-source #FF0000'.

[1]: https://cordova.apache.org/docs/en/latest/config_ref/index.html#platform


--type <icon|splash|adaptive-icon> ... Only generate one type of resource
--resources <path> ................... Use a different resources directory (default: 'resources')
--skip-config ........................ Skip reading/writing to 'config.xml'

--icon-source <path> ................. Use specified file for icon source image
--splash-source <path> ............... Use specified file for splash source image
--icon-foreground-source <path> ...... Use file for foreground of adaptive icon
--icon-background-source <path|hex> .. Use file or color for background of adaptive icon

--fit <cover|contain|fill> ........... Specify how to fit the image when resizing (default: 'cover')
--position <position> ................ Specify how to position the image when resizing (default: 'center')
                                       (positions: 'center', 'top', 'right top', 'right', 'right bottom',
                                                   'bottom', 'left bottom', 'left', 'left top')

--copy ............................... Copy generated resources to native projects
--ios-project <path> ................. Use specified directory for iOS native project (default: 'ios')
--android-project <path> ............. Use specified directory for Android native project (default: 'android')

-h, --help ........................... Print help for the platform, then quit
-v, --version ........................ Print version, then quit
--verbose ............................ Print verbose output to stderr

Thank you. Will study this.

Got it.
I took an icon with 72x72 px size. Used Photoshop in order to set size to 108x108 px without scaling the 72x72 logo contents. Filled the now white background around the green background with the same green background. Saved the image to ParEurIcon108.png and, in config.xml, set the path to
<preference name="AndroidWindowSplashScreenAnimatedIcon" value="resources/ParEurIcon108.png" />. Rebuilt. This is the new splashscreen. Important contents not any longer clipped.

Looks good! Thank you for following up with your solution.