UserError: Filename <app name> not found in export path. Possible bad name

I keep getting this error when building for iOS, then I tried few other apps that I’ve successfully built before, still I get same error.

UserError: Filename not found in export path. Possible bad name.

I pulled the full log of your job and noticed a couple of messages. You should review that and update your project.

In particular, a number of the plugins you are using are obsolete. At the end of the log, there is a list of the plugins you have which are outdated. Fixing those would be a good place to start.

Your version of @havesource/cordova-plugin-push is very old. That’s one you almost always have to keep up to date, since Google updates FCM regularly.

Package                          Current  Wanted  Latest  Location                                      Depended by
@havesource/cordova-plugin-push    2.0.0   2.0.0   3.0.1  node_modules/@havesource/cordova-plugin-push  eb40be02-cce2-440b-a141-446d1b217209
cordova-android                   11.0.0  11.0.0  12.0.0  node_modules/cordova-android                  eb40be02-cce2-440b-a141-446d1b217209
cordova-plugin-camera              2.4.1   2.4.1   6.0.0  node_modules/cordova-plugin-camera            eb40be02-cce2-440b-a141-446d1b217209
cordova-plugin-device              1.1.7   1.1.7   2.1.0  node_modules/cordova-plugin-device            eb40be02-cce2-440b-a141-446d1b217209
cordova-plugin-dialogs             1.3.4   1.3.4   2.0.2  node_modules/cordova-plugin-dialogs           eb40be02-cce2-440b-a141-446d1b217209
cordova-plugin-file                4.3.3   4.3.3   8.0.0  node_modules/cordova-plugin-file              eb40be02-cce2-440b-a141-446d1b217209
cordova-plugin-geolocation         2.4.3   2.4.3   4.1.0  node_modules/cordova-plugin-geolocation       eb40be02-cce2-440b-a141-446d1b217209
cordova-plugin-globalization       1.0.9   1.0.9  1.11.0  node_modules/cordova-plugin-globalization     eb40be02-cce2-440b-a141-446d1b217209
cordova-plugin-media               3.0.1   3.0.1   6.1.0  node_modules/cordova-plugin-media             eb40be02-cce2-440b-a141-446d1b217209
cordova-plugin-media-capture       1.4.3   1.4.3   4.0.0  node_modules/cordova-plugin-media-capture     eb40be02-cce2-440b-a141-446d1b217209
cordova-plugin-splashscreen        4.0.3   4.0.3   6.0.2  node_modules/cordova-plugin-splashscreen      eb40be02-cce2-440b-a141-446d1b217209
cordova-plugin-statusbar           2.2.3   2.2.3   3.0.0  node_modules/cordova-plugin-statusbar         eb40be02-cce2-440b-a141-446d1b217209
cordova-plugin-vibration           2.1.6   2.1.6   3.1.1  node_modules/cordova-plugin-vibration         eb40be02-cce2-440b-a141-446d1b217209