Built an apk 30 mins ago. Went to build a different apk and the build is failing with (among other messages) See below
Went back to the first app and it now shows that error too…
Built an apk 30 mins ago. Went to build a different apk and the build is failing with (among other messages) See below
Went back to the first app and it now shows that error too…
Full error msg
ServerError: Cordova platform add for android failed Using c ordova-fetch for cordova-android Failed to fetch platform co rdova-android Probably this is either a connection problem, or platform spec is incorrect. Check your connection and pla tform name/version/URL. CordovaError: Error: Command failed with exit code 1: npm install cordova-android --save-dev npm error code ECONNREFUSED npm error syscall connect npm error errno ECONNREFUSED npm error FetchError: request to http:// npm-cache-verdaccio.default:4873/cordova-android failed, rea son: connect ECONNREFUSED npm error a t ClientRequest. (/usr/lib/node_modules/npm/node_ modules/minipass-fetch/lib/index.js:130:14) npm error at ClientRequest.emit (node:events:519:28) npm error at _d estroy (node:_http_client:880:13) npm error at onSocketN T (node:_http_client:900:5) npm error at process.process TicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:83:21) { npm error code: ‘ECONNREFUSED’, npm error errno: ‘ECO NNREFUSED’, npm error syscall: ‘connect’, npm error addr ess: ‘’, npm error port: 4873, npm error ty pe: ‘system’, npm error requiredBy: ‘.’ npm error } npm er ror npm error If you are behind a proxy, please make sure th at the npm error ‘proxy’ config is set properly. See: ‘npm help config’ npm error A complete log of this run can be fou nd in: /root/.npm/_logs/2024-12-17T12_15_15_904Z-debug-0.log
I have the same problem,
got the same error:
ServerError: Cordova platform add for android failed
No scripts found for hook "before_platform_add".
No version supplied. Retrieving version from config.xml...
Using cordova-fetch for cordova-android
fetch: Installing cordova-android to /agent/upload/138ec4fb-02bb-4715-8e10-c6e75b41e5e9/volt
Failed to fetch platform cordova-android
Probably this is either a connection problem, or platform spec is incorrect.
Check your connection and platform name/version/URL.
CordovaError: Error: Command failed with exit code 1: npm install cordova-android --save-dev
I also just send a mail to support (no reply yet)
We are aware of this issue and working to fix it. We expect it to be resolved shortly.
This problem should be resolved. Please give it another try.
All good, thanks!
Hi, I´m still experiencing the same error.
Thanks for reporting this. It’s a bit different than yesterday. It only affects a few customers - we will have it fixed in a few minutes.