Hi all
Looking for a push service provider that works in both iOS and Android builds
Hi all
Looking for a push service provider that works in both iOS and Android builds
Technically, none of them “work” on both platforms. What happens is they use your credentials to push to google who pushes to their android devices and then to Apple who pushes to their iOS devices.
I’ve been using the phonegap-plugin-push for years. It was originally built for Google Clould Messaging (GCM) which is now Firebase Clould Messaging (FCM).
Since phonegap is dead, @mcdonst passed maintenance of the phonegap-plugin-push to a new person and it has been renamed (forked) to cordova-plugin-push and is still on the same last release as the original 2.3.0.
Using cordova-plugin-push you push all your notifications (iOS and Apple) through FCM and FCM will push your iOS notifications to APNS so while you have one API, you still have to setup your APNS credentials on FCM and the packages are slightly different but otherwise you can do it.
Great! Since this comes up regularly, can you share what you have in your config.xml for this?
Sure …
<preference name="android-build-tool" value="gradle" />
iOS and Android
<gap:plugin name="onesignal-cordova-plugin" spec="^2.4.1" source="npm" />
here are the rest OneSignal / PhoneGap SDK Setup